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Chinese translation for "social subject"


Related Translations:
approach a subject from different angles:  从不同角度对问题进行探讨
social ants:  群居的蚂蚁
social occasion:  社交场合
social genesis:  社会演生
social engine:  人际互动引擎社会化引擎
social commission:  经济委员会
social whirl:  花样翻新的上流社会娱乐
social disease:  性病,花柳病,(肺病等)社会性疾病。
social circumstances:  社会环境
Example Sentences:
1.Development of market economy makes the social subjects from status to contract
2.The essence of right conflicts is the social subjects ' struggling for limited resources , and the fundamental cause lies in the conflicts of interests
3.The acceleration of urbanization causes depravation of residential conditions , which reminds people that in the developing process the social subject , human , must be paid attention to
城市化的加速导致人居环境恶化,这提醒人们在发展社会的同时更应关注社会的主体“人” 。
4.Action research is a kind of research on the social subject study . the aims are to improve the research concept of the participants and improve the analyst " s participation mind as well
5.At the end , some measures are proposed , in the view of education , culture and system to protect and promote the constitutionalism consciousness of social subjects after the present inland constitutionalism consciousness is analyzed by way of two different aspects and compared with that in western countries
6.At the beginning , this article analyses the scope of subject of humanity , that is , person . then , it points out that social subjects appears the diversified tendency as the development of society , so not only natural persons but also all participant subjects are the persons of human nature
7.Presently , the level of self - government of undergraduate associations is being gradually raised , which is beneficial to the students ' development of the sense of being the social subject the participation of school management , the help of university general education , and the promotion of building innovative university culture
8.Rule of law as an instrumental running mode can be forcefully pushed by the government , but as a value object , it is a motile choice process of the social subject , an entia of objective in - evitability and people " s self - demand of the aim of their activities , and an entia of realism and idealism , and an entia of the intrinsic value object and extrinsic va
9.Because of the enactment and implement of laws and regulations , like those on the preservation and rational use of environment and natural resources , and the protection of employees , which include enterprises and other various social subjects , it is safe to say that , the establishment of enterprises ’ social responsibilities in legislation and judicial practice is put forward as a theoretical issue earlier than enterprises ’ social responsibilities
10.Due to special approach to the creation of chinese economic law , the construction of chinese economic law system needs to reasonably determine the orientation of social subject in the public , to be released from the negative effect imposed by the governmental centralism under the planned economy , and to change the thought paradigm deeming the relationship between state and the market as that between subject and object and the control thought of single orientation , so as to reasonably understand the substance of economic law in the constitutionalism , cooperation and procedure mechanisms
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